Figs- #wellnesswednessday

Wellness Wednesday tip of the week. Did you know figs contain a wealth of beneficial nutrients, including vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, calcium, iron, phosphorus, manganese, sodium, potassium and …

Snack Healthy!

It’s wellness Wednesday y’all! Your tip of the week – prep healthy snacks for you and the family that are easily accessible. Fresh cut fruit mixed with almonds are a …

IT’S BANANAS! b a n a n a s.

This wellness Wednesday tip is BANANAS! b a n a n a s. Did you know #bananas may help with heart burn, lowers blood pressure, helps with circulation and so …


We have said it before- hydration is essential to having a productive workout. Even with cooler weather, staying hydrated is extremely important. Stay away from sugary drinks and try coconut …

Aloe Water

Drinking aloe water has a slew of health benefits such as anti aging properties. It’s packed with vitamin B, C and E. ***Please note you should always consult your Heath …


Oh my avocados! Proven to lower cholesterol, maintained blood sugar, anti aging and much more! Wellness Wednesday tip of the day!

From Within…

Living healthy starts from within. Now… Yes, this may sound complete cliche. But! Let’s really think about that. When we eat junk food and the “not so good” foods- we …